Child Support Calculation 101

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Child Support Calculation 101

  • By: Marketing Team
  • 22 September 2020

Divorce can be a disruptive and challenging time in the lives of Michigan families. Fortunately, with legal and physical custody arrangements in place, children can find balance and maintain a healthy relationship with both parents. However, physical and psychological care are only part of a larger constellation of factors that allow a child to thrive.

Financial support is undeniably essential as well. Just because parents choose to part ways, they are still expected to provide financial assistance for the minor children. If you are in the midst of a divorce, it is crucial that you hire a family law attorney. Michigan family law is complex and confusing to navigate without legal assistance.

Child Support in Michigan

You are undoubtedly wondering what you will be expected to pay each month. The costs of child support will vary depending on the following circumstances:

  • • The number of overnight visits the parent has with the child
  • • The income of each parent
  • • The number of other children either parent has
  • • Whether either parent pays for medical insurance
  • • Whether each parent receives government assistance

As you can tell, the calculation of child support varies rather widely, and you cannot be entirely sure how much your costs will be. Fortunately, the Friend of Court in Michigan generally uses a pre-approved computerized program to calculate expenses. This allows you to know relatively quickly an approximate amount you may be ordered to pay. However, the court is legally permitted to increase or decrease child support costs depending on individual circumstances.

The state of Michigan takes child support very seriously. There are serious legal consequences for absentee parents who fail to support their child financially. Parents who fail to pay child support can potentially face criminal charges and incarceration for up to four years. Felony Non-Payment of Child Support can even carry a possible fine of up to $2,000.