Split Custody and the Holidays

  1. Split Custody and the Holidays
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Split Custody and the Holidays

  • By: Marketing Team
  • 30 November 2020

The holidays are a challenging time for families in the middle of a divorce. To add insult to injury, very reasonable concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic have only further compounded the stress this time of year.

How many people are allowed in your quarantine bubble? Can separated spouses still bring the kids together for the holidays? Where will kids spend Christmas Eve? These questions and more are understandable, and you are certainly not alone if you feel as though you and your ex-spouse are planning it day-by-day this year.

Prepare Now to Avoid Stress Later

Though some suggest a stigma against the taboo of filing for divorce during the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, statistics show an uptick of proceedings near the end of January.

Unfortunately, your problems won’t go away with the gift wrapping. Custody battles can last for many years, long after the tinsel has been put away, the tree has been discarded, and the champagne bubbles have faded. The way to avoid any future ugliness is to seek out counsel from a family law attorney as soon as you can.

Get Educated and Stay Informed

You may be aware of the difference between physical and legal custody. In most cases, both parents are granted joint legal custody. When the court makes a decision regarding legal and physical custody, it does so using the “best interest of the child” in mind, according to a comprehensive list of criteria.

If your spouse is putting up a fight about holiday custody or using COVID-19 restrictions as ammunition against you, it is advisable to speak to a law firm. Grand Rapids families face many similar struggles during a divorce, but one factor about Michigan family law that has remained unchanged during these unprecedented times is the state’s emphasis on children’s rights and the best interests of the child.

Things are a bit different this year for everyone, but for families trying to coordinate a blended holiday experience and offer their children the most magical time possible, it is in their best interest to seek legal counsel from a trusted and reputable family law attorney.