Establishing Paternity and Custody between Unmarried Parents

Establishing Paternity and Custody between Unmarried Parents

Photo Credit: NataliaDeriabina Establishing Paternity and Custody between Unmarried Parents   When a baby is born, everyone wants what’s best for that child: cousins want him to grow strong so they can play with him when he’s older, grandparents...
How Probate Court Distributes Assets to a Minor

How Probate Court Distributes Assets to a Minor

Photo Credit: Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash How Probate Court Distributes Assets to a Minor   If the worst happens to you, and you leave behind minor children, you’re probably wondering how they will receive their inheritance. Will the...
Dividing your Assets in Divorce: How does it happen in Michigan?

Dividing your Assets in Divorce: How does it happen in Michigan?

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash Dividing your Assets in Divorce: How does it happen in Michigan?   The decision to divorce is never easy. But once you get there, you realize it’s more than just the end of a relationship. It’s an unraveling of your...
Challenges to a Will: How to Contest or Defend Against Claims

Challenges to a Will: How to Contest or Defend Against Claims

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash Challenges to a Will: How to Contest or Defend Against Claims   In the realm of estate planning, the validity of a will can sometimes come under scrutiny, leading to contentious legal disputes among beneficiaries and other...
How to Modify Child Support Orders: What You Need to Know

How to Modify Child Support Orders: What You Need to Know

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash How to Modify Child Support Orders: What You Need to Know   If you’ve recently divorced in the state of Michigan, you likely now understand the difference between physical and legacy custody, “best interest” factors used in...