Michigan is a non-fault divorce state which means that if one spouse wants a divorce the court must proceed with the divorce. As it relates to the division of marital assets, the court starts with a 50/50 property distribution. As a general rule, the marital assets are those assets acquired during the course of the marriage.
The court can deviate from the 50/50 distribution in instances such as: fault, station in life, income disparity, age, health, length of marriage, and any other relevant factor. Furthermore, the court also has the authority to consider assets acquired before the marriage when determining an equitable division of assets. In certain situations the court may also require one spouse to pay another spouse alimony (also referred to spousal support).
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Striegle Law
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Contact Info
400 Ann St. N.W. Suite 211
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Email: contact@streiglelaw.com
Phone: (616) 253-6688