Medical Power of Attorney
Medical Power of Attorney affords one the right to appoint an individual to make important decisions concerning medical care. It is common for medical professionals to require their patients to execute a Medical Power of Attorney particularly when undergoing major surgery. One of the key provisions typically contained in a healthcare directive pertains to what measures are to be taken to artificially prolong life in the event that you are unable to communicate. If you do not make sure the necessary document is not in place and you experience a medical emergency during a time when you are not able to convey your wishes your family and loved ones will be left to scramble to obtain court approval in order to address your health care needs.
Once you are incapacitated it is too late to execute a Durable Power of Attorney / Medical Power of Attorney. That is why it is so important that you consider executing the necessary documents immediately if you have not already done so. The time and cost of having a Durable Power of Attorney / Medical Power of Attorney is likely to be far less than if the incapacitated person’s family is required to petition the court for a guardianship/conservatorship because of a failure to prepare the appropriate documents. The bottom line is that a Durable Power of Attorney / Medical Power of Attorney can avoid or greatly minimize the expense and time delays that can result when a court of law is required to intervene.
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Striegle Law
The information contained on this site is not intended to provide legal advice but is for general informational purposes only. You should consult an attorney regarding your unique situation. Please be advised that an attorney – client relationship is not necessarily created by simply contacting us.
Contact Info
400 Ann St. N.W. Suite 211
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Phone: (616) 253-6688